Most Common Back Pain Problems That Stop You From Doing What You Love

As the leading back pain experts in the Lake Country area, we’ve seen many people coming to us with different back pain problems and by far the most common ones are sciatica and lower back pain. Back pain is different for everyone and some people may suffer more than others but there are treatment options that can help you recover and get back to doing all the things that you love.


Sciatica is one of the most painful back pain problems and can be very debilitating as you aren’t able to do most of the things you used to do daily, and sometimes you might not even be fit enough to walk.

However, there are things you can do to stop this agonizing pain and get back to living your normal life pain-free.

Lower Back Pain

Another common issue is lower back pain that affects many men and women regardless of their age or even lifestyle. There are many causes of lower back pain, but there are also many treatments.

If you’re suffering from lower back pain and if you think you’ve tried everything, then read more to find out about natural treatments that you probably didn’t think of or try before.