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Why Does My Lower Right Back Pain Get Worse in Summer?
Why Does My Lower Right Back Pain Get Worse in Summer?Drs. Jereme and Sarah TrunkJune 25, 2024Summer should be a season of joy and relaxation, but for those of us grappling with lower right back pain, it can become a period of increased discomfort and frustration. Are you finding that the sunny days of summer bring not only warmth but also an unwelcome increase in back pain? You’re not alone. This issue can put a significant damper on your travel plans and fitness routines, affecting everything from family vacations to daily activities. Summer should be a season of joy and relaxation, but for those of us grappling with lower right back pain, it can become a period of increased discomfort and frustration. The Scope of the Problem Lower right back pain is more than just a personal inconvenience; it’s a widespread health concern. Studies show that back pain affects 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives, making it one of the most common physical ailments. At Balance Within PT, we specialize in providing effective, natural relief for lower right back pain, helping you to enjoy your summer without discomfort. This blog aims to enlighten you on the common activities that exacerbate lower right back pain during the summer and offers practical solutions to manage it. By understanding and adjusting these daily activities, you can reduce your pain and increase your enjoyment of the season. Daily Activities That Cause Lower Right Back Pain Several everyday activities can trigger or worsen your lower right back pain, especially during the active summer months. Here’s a look at five such activities and how you can mitigate their effects: Gardening and Yard Work Gardening is a popular summer activity, but it often requires bending, lifting, and twisting—all of which can strain your lower back. Solution: Use ergonomic tools that reduce the need to bend, and take regular breaks. Engage your core muscles when lifting or bending, and consider using a garden stool to reduce strain. Long Travel Summer is a prime time for long journeys, whether by car or plane. Sitting for extended periods can lead to stiffness and exacerbate back pain. Solution: Make sure to take frequent breaks to stretch and walk around. Use lumbar support cushions to maintain proper spine alignment while seated. Physical Inactivity While it’s tempting to relax all day, too much inactivity can weaken the muscles that support your lower back, leading to pain. Solution: Incorporate regular, gentle exercises like walking or swimming into your daily routine to keep your back muscles strong and flexible. Not Sleeping on a Supportive Mattress A poor mattress can worsen lower right back pain by failing to support the spine correctly during the night. Solution: Invest in a mattress that offers good support and aligns with your body’s natural curves. Consider a memory foam mattress or one recommended for orthopedic support. Lack of Exercise Skipping exercise can lead to muscle weakness and increase the risk of back pain. Solution: Regular, moderate exercise can strengthen the back muscles and reduce pain. Focus on low-impact activities that don’t strain your back. How You Can Manage Your Lower Right Back Pain This Summer Implementing the solutions provided here can make a significant difference in managing your lower right back pain. Regularly practicing these tips can help reduce the frequency and severity of your pain, allowing you to enjoy your summer activities with less discomfort. If you’re tired of letting lower right back pain control your life, it’s time to take action. At Balance Within PT, we offer a Free Discovery Visit where you can speak directly with back pain experts. This visit is your opportunity to get all your questions answered, receive personalized guidance, and explore various treatment options tailored specifically for lower right back pain relief. Call us at (262) 264-8701, Don’t let another summer pass by overshadowed by pain.  let’s start your journey to a happier, more active life free from lower right back pain. The Best Treatment For Lower Right Back Pain Embarking on the journey to find relief from mid back pain is a path you don’t have to travel alone. Our compassionate team at Balance Within PT is here to provide support and expertise every step of the way. We understand the significant impact that persistent mid back pain can have on your daily life. That’s why we’re committed to offering a supportive and nurturing approach to your recovery. If you’re looking for strategies to manage back pain, we are pleased to offer a complimentary advice report filled with essential tips and practical steps specifically designed for those dealing with mid back pain. To further support your journey towards well-being, we invite you to schedule a free telephone consultation with us. This is a great opportunity to share the unique details of your experience and discover holistic, effective methods for managing your discomfort and stress without relying on temporary fixes. For a more personalized approach, consider booking a free discovery visit at our physical therapy clinic. During this session, we will get to know each other and create a realistic plan to alleviate your mid back pain, focusing on long-term health benefits that enhance your overall quality of life. Explore More Content To Help Stop Your Back Pain Read our blog – Upper Back Pain Relief: 5 Essential Strategies for a Soothing Recovery Read our blog – Combating Lower Left Back Pain: 5 Effective Exercises for Targeted Relief Follow us on your favorite social media channels – Facebook & Instagram [...] Read more...
Effective Strategies for Reducing Mid Back Pain
Effective Strategies for Reducing Mid Back PainSarah TrunkMay 16, 2024In the vibrant dance of life, mid back pain can feel like a discordant note, disrupting the rhythm of your days and casting a shadow over activities you once enjoyed. Whether it’s the sharp twinge you feel when lifting something heavy or the dull ache that settles in after a long day at your desk, mid back pain is a common yet often misunderstood ailment. Understanding Mid Back Pain Mid back pain, which occurs in the thoracic spine region, can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, or underlying conditions like arthritis. This discomfort can affect your ability to perform daily tasks, from simple chores to more strenuous activities, and can significantly impact your quality of life. The good news is that there are effective strategies to manage and reduce mid back pain. By incorporating specific exercises, making lifestyle adjustments, and seeking professional guidance, you can alleviate discomfort and regain your mobility and strength. When Does Mid Back Pain Affect Your Life? Mid back pain can strike at any time, turning routine activities into painful endeavors. You might notice stiffness and discomfort in the morning, making it difficult to start your day. Prolonged sitting, whether at work or during a long drive, can exacerbate the pain. Even standing for extended periods or engaging in physical activities like gardening or hiking can trigger or worsen mid back pain. This type of pain often begins with intermittent flare-ups and can progress to more frequent and severe episodes if not addressed. The impact on your daily life can be profound, affecting your ability to sleep, complete household chores, and enjoy leisure activities. But there is hope. With the right approach, you can manage and reduce mid back pain effectively. 5 Effective Strategies for Reducing Mid Back Pain 1. Posture Correction and Ergonomics One of the most common causes of mid back pain is poor posture. Slouching or sitting in an awkward position for prolonged periods can strain the muscles and ligaments in your mid back. To combat this, focus on maintaining good posture throughout the day. Sit with your back straight, shoulders back, and feet flat on the floor. Ensure that your workstation is ergonomically designed to support your body, with your computer screen at eye level and your chair providing adequate lumbar support. 2. Stretching and Flexibility Exercises Regular stretching can help alleviate tension in the muscles of the mid back and improve flexibility. Incorporate stretches such as the cat-cow stretch, seated spinal twist, and child’s pose into your daily routine. These exercises help to elongate the spine, increase mobility, and reduce stiffness. Cat-Cow Stretch: Begin on your hands and knees, arch your back towards the ceiling (cat pose), and then dip it towards the floor (cow pose). Repeat this movement 10-15 times. Seated Spinal Twist: Sit with your legs extended, bend one knee, and place the opposite elbow on the outside of the bent knee. Twist gently towards the bent knee and hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. Child’s Pose: Kneel on the floor, sit back on your heels, and stretch your arms forward, lowering your torso between your knees. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute. 2. Strengthening Exercises Strengthening the muscles that support your spine can provide stability and reduce the risk of future pain. Focus on exercises that target the core, back, and shoulder muscles. Planks, rows, and thoracic extensions are excellent choices. Planks: Hold a plank position for 20-30 seconds, ensuring that your body forms a straight line from head to heels. Rows: Using a resistance band or dumbbells, perform rows to strengthen the upper back and shoulder muscles. Thoracic Extensions: Lie on your stomach with your hands behind your head. Lift your chest off the ground, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Hold for a few seconds and then lower back down. Repeat 10-15 times. 3. Heat and Cold Therapy Applying heat or cold to the affected area can provide temporary relief from mid back pain. Heat therapy helps to relax tight muscles and increase blood flow, while cold therapy can reduce inflammation and numb sharp pain. Use a heating pad or a cold pack for 15-20 minutes at a time, depending on what feels best for your body. 4. Professional Physical Therapy If your mid back pain persists despite self-care measures, it may be time to seek professional help. A physical therapist can assess your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan that includes manual therapy, targeted exercises, and posture training. At Balance Within PT, we specialize in treating mid back pain with a holistic approach that addresses the root causes and promotes long-term health. Living with mid back pain can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can find relief and improve your quality of life. By incorporating posture correction, stretching, strengthening exercises, heat and cold therapy, and seeking professional guidance, you can manage your pain effectively and enjoy the activities you love once again. If you’re struggling with mid back pain, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Balance Within PT. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve lasting relief and get back to living your life to the fullest. The Best Treatment For Mid Back Pain Embarking on the journey to find relief from mid back pain is a path you don’t have to travel alone. Our compassionate team at Balance Within PT is here to provide support and expertise every step of the way. We understand the significant impact that persistent mid back pain can have on your daily life. That’s why we’re committed to offering a supportive and nurturing approach to your recovery. If you’re looking for strategies to manage back pain, we are pleased to offer a complimentary advice report filled with essential tips and practical steps specifically designed for those dealing with mid back pain. To further support your journey towards well-being, we invite you to schedule a free telephone consultation with us. This is a great opportunity to share the unique details of your experience and discover holistic, effective methods for managing your discomfort and stress without relying on temporary fixes. For a more personalized approach, consider booking a free discovery visit at our physical therapy clinic. During this session, we will get to know each other and create a realistic plan to alleviate your mid back pain, focusing on long-term health benefits that enhance your overall quality of life. Explore More Content To Help Stop Your Back Pain Read our blog – Upper Back Pain Relief: 5 Essential Strategies for a Soothing Recovery Read our blog – Can Stress Cause Back Pain? Unraveling the Connection and Finding Relief Follow us on your favorite social media channels – Facebook & Instagram [...] Read more...
Combating Lower Left Back Pain: 5 Effective Exercises for Targeted Relief
Combating Lower Left Back Pain: 5 Effective Exercises for Targeted ReliefSarah TrunkApril 4, 2024The journey through life should be one of ease and comfort, yet for many, the sharp or persistent ache of lower left back pain can turn even the simplest daily tasks into hurdles. The familiar joy of a hike, the freedom of a casual walk, or the comfort of simply sitting at home can be overshadowed by a chilling stiffness that refuses to dissipate. Lower left back pain, like an uninvited chill, seeps into the warmth of our lives, leaving behind a trail of discomfort and rigidity. As you navigate the briskness of the outside world and seek comfort in the coziness of your home, you may find yourself confronting an unwavering stiffness in your lower back. This is the silent yet powerful presence of lower left back pain, an ailment that seems to hold your well-being in its cold grasp. How is Lower Back Pain Affecting Your Life? If lower left back pain has become an unwelcome companion in your daily life, affecting everything from your outdoor passions to your indoor relaxations, know that there is a beacon of hope. This blog stands as a testament to the relief that awaits you. We’ll share with you not just hope, but actionable, effective exercises that promise to ease your pain and reclaim the warmth and fluidity of movement that you deserve. 5 Effective Exercises for Lower Left Back Pain: 1. Gentle Pelvic Tilts: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Gently arch your lower back and then flatten it against the floor. This subtle movement warms up your lower back and engages your core, providing foundational support and easing tension. 2. Knee-to-Chest Stretches: Still on your back, slowly bring one knee towards your chest, holding it with both hands. Hold for a moment, feeling a gentle stretch in your lower left back. Repeat with the other leg. This exercise alleviates pressure and pain in the targeted area. 3. Seated Spinal Twists: Sitting on a chair, cross your left leg over your right. Place your right elbow on the outside of your left knee and gently twist your torso to the left. This twist can mobilize your spine and invigorate the muscles in your lower left back. 4. Bird-Dog Stretches: Start on all fours. Extend your left leg back while reaching your right arm forward, forming a straight line from fingertips to toes. Hold this balancing act to strengthen your back muscles and enhance stability. Alternate sides for balanced relief. 5. Bridge Exercise: Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat, and arms by your sides. Lift your hips towards the ceiling, creating a bridge. This exercise targets the lower back and helps alleviate pain by strengthening the glutes and hamstrings, which support the lower spine. Each of these exercises, endorsed by physical therapy expertise, offers a step towards warmth and ease, away from the cold clutches of lower left back pain. Remember, it’s crucial to listen to your body and perform each exercise within a comfortable range of motion. Lower left back pain need not be a defining aspect of your life. With these 5 effective exercises, each moment can be reclaimed, each movement can become a step towards recovery. As a back pain expert, I invite you to integrate these exercises into your daily routine, gently coaxing the stiffness to subside, inviting flexibility and strength to return. The Best Treatment For Lower Left Back Pain Venturing into the quest for lower left back pain relief is a path you needn’t walk alone. Our compassionate team at Balance Within PT is ready to join you, offering our support and deep expertise at every turn. We understand the significant impact that persistent back pain has on the rhythm of your everyday life and are dedicated to crafting a nurturing journey toward your recovery. If you’re seeking strategies to manage back pain, we’re delighted to provide a complimentary advice report brimming with vital tips and practical steps, tailored to those facing the specific trials of lower left back pain. To deepen our support for your journey toward well-being, we welcome you to book a free telephone consultation with us. It’s a wonderful chance to convey the unique details of your experience and uncover holistic, effective methods for managing your discomfort and stress, steering clear of quick fixes that don’t last. For those looking for a more tailored strategy and keen to gain a clearer understanding of how we can make a positive change in your life, please consider arranging a free discovery visit to our physical therapy clinic. During this meeting, we can get to know each other and map out a realistic plan to alleviate your lower left back pain, focusing on long-term health gains that elevate your overall quality of life. Explore More Content To Help Stop Your Back Pain Read our blog – Upper Back Pain Relief: 5 Essential Strategies for a Soothing Recovery Read our blog – Can Stress Cause Back Pain? Unraveling the Connection and Finding Relief Follow us on your favorite social media channels – Facebook & Instagram [...] Read more...
Upper Back Pain Relief: 5 Essential Strategies for a Soothing Recovery
Upper Back Pain Relief: 5 Essential Strategies for a Soothing RecoverySarah TrunkMarch 18, 2024In the intricate dance of life, where each movement and moment is precious, upper back pain can feel like an unwelcome partner, leading you through a routine of discomfort and frustration. Whether it’s a dull ache that shadows you throughout the day or sharp jolts that steal your breath away, the emotional toll is undeniable. It’s a silent battle that many face, one that can keep you from embracing the joy of life’s simple pleasures—like playing with your children or reaching for a book off the shelf. If you’re reading this, you may be all too familiar with the wearying journey of upper back pain. But amidst the struggle, there is a whisper of hope: recovery is not just a possibility; it’s within your reach. And I’m here to guide you there. Do You Struggle with Upper Back Pain? You’re not alone in this struggle. Countless individuals just like you face the daily challenge of upper back pain. It’s a common thread in the tapestry of modern life, especially with the rise of desk-bound jobs and technology use. But let’s pause here and take a breath—relief is closer than you think. This blog is your beacon of hope. In it, we’ll unveil the 5 essential strategies for soothing recovery from upper back pain, strategies grounded in the expertise of physical therapy and designed to offer you more than momentary respite—they’re about empowering you towards sustained wellness. 5 Essential Strategies for a Soothing Recovery: 1. Posture Correction: The foundation of upper back pain relief often lies in the way we hold ourselves. By adjusting our posture, we can relieve pressure on the upper back. I recommend posture exercises that strengthen the core and back muscles, offering support where it’s needed most. Engage in daily exercises like shoulder blade squeezes, and make workspace adjustments to keep your spine aligned. 2. Regular Stretching: Tight muscles can be a major contributor to upper back pain. Integrate stretching into your daily routine to enhance flexibility and reduce tension. Gentle stretches such as the doorway pec stretch or thoracic extensions over a foam roller can be especially effective in easing upper back discomfort. 3. Heat Therapy: Applying heat can improve circulation and relax tight muscles, offering immediate upper back pain relief. Whether it’s a warm bath or a heating pad, the soothing warmth is a balm for sore tissues, helping to ease the stiffness that accompanies upper back pain. 4. Stress Management: Stress can manifest physically in our upper back. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can not only aid in stress relief but also help alleviate the physical manifestations of stress, including upper back pain. By managing stress, we address one of the root causes of muscle tension. 5. Professional Physical Therapy: Sometimes, self-care strategies need a professional touch. Working with a physical therapist can provide personalized exercises, manual therapies, and a tailored plan for upper back pain relief. Remember, the goal of physical therapy is not just to alleviate pain but to equip you with the tools for lasting recovery. Upper back pain need not define your life. With these 5 essential strategies for soothing recovery, you can begin to rewrite your narrative—one where discomfort fades and well-being takes center stage. Each strategy weaves together to form a comprehensive approach, addressing the physical and emotional facets of your pain. In your pursuit of upper back pain relief, I am here to accompany you, offering professional guidance and compassionate care. At Balance Within PT, we don’t just believe in recovery; we believe in your strength to achieve it. Let’s embark on this healing journey together. Reach out today, and let’s take those first steps towards a life of comfort, mobility, and joy.   We understand the significant impact upper back pain can have on your day-to-day activities and are here to offer you guidance and support for relief. To those seeking solutions for managing upper back pain, we’re happy to provide a complimentary advice report, brimming with crucial tips and practical steps tailored for individuals facing these challenges. To aid your wellness journey, we encourage you to take advantage of a free telephone consultation with us. It’s a valuable chance to discuss your unique experiences and explore holistic, non-invasive methods to alleviate upper back pain. For an individualized plan and to gain deeper insights into our approach to transforming your well-being, we welcome you to schedule a free discovery visit at our clinic. This one-on-one session allows us to get to know you and collaborate on crafting achievable objectives to reduce your upper back pain and foster ongoing health improvements. Explore More Content To Help Stop Your Back Pain Read our blog – Can Stress Cause Back Pain? Unraveling the Connection and Finding Relief Read our blog – A Guide on How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain Follow us on your favorite social media channels – Facebook & Instagram [...] Read more...
Can Stress Cause Back Pain? Unraveling the Connection and Finding Relief
Can Stress Cause Back Pain? Unraveling the Connection and Finding ReliefDrs. Jereme and Sarah TrunkFebruary 23, 2024In the whirlwind of daily life, where deadlines loom and responsibilities seem endless, stress becomes a silent adversary, often leaving a trail of discomfort in its wake. It’s not just the mental strain that weighs heavily on us; our bodies, too, bear the brunt of this relentless pressure. For many, this manifests as a nagging, persistent back pain—a physical reminder of the burdens we carry. It’s a cycle of stress and discomfort that infiltrates our days, turning even simple tasks into Herculean efforts. The question that arises from this vicious cycle is: can stress cause back pain? Can Stress Cause Back Pain? The answer is a resounding yes. Stress can indeed be a significant contributor to back pain. It’s a physical reaction to the emotional turmoil that stirs within us. When we’re stressed, our bodies are in a constant state of alert, leading to muscle tension, especially around the neck and back. This tension, if sustained, can manifest as chronic back pain, making it difficult to find any relief or comfort, day or night. But amidst this revelation, there lies hope. Understanding the connection between stress and back pain is the first step toward alleviating both. The power to break this cycle is within reach, paving the way for a healthier, more balanced life. 5 Ways To Alleviate Stress and Back Pain 1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Engaging in mindfulness practices or meditation can significantly reduce stress levels, thereby easing the tension in your back muscles. By focusing on the present and calming your mind, you can lessen the body’s stress response and, consequently, the strain on your back. 2. Regular Physical Activity: Exercise is a potent stress reliever and can also strengthen your back muscles, improving posture and reducing pain. Whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or swimming, finding an activity that you enjoy can decrease stress levels and enhance your overall well-being. 3. Deep Breathing Techniques: Deep breathing exercises can help relax muscle tension and lower stress. By focusing on slow, deep breaths, you can encourage your body to release tension, particularly in areas prone to stress-related discomfort like the back. 4. Establish a Relaxing Routine: Incorporate activities into your daily routine that promote relaxation. This could be reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing gentle stretches before bed. A relaxing routine can help mitigate stress and its physical manifestations, including back pain. 5. Seek Professional Support: Sometimes, the best approach to managing stress and back pain is to seek the guidance of professionals. A physical therapist can provide personalized exercises and treatments to relieve back pain, while a counselor or therapist can offer strategies to manage stress more effectively. By incorporating these strategies into your life, you can address both the emotional and physical aspects of stress-induced back pain. Remember, the connection between mind and body is profound; by taking steps to alleviate stress, you’re also taking steps to alleviate back pain. Embracing these practices can lead you to a place of better health and tranquility, where daily tasks become joyful activities rather than sources of discomfort. The journey to overcoming stress and back pain begins with understanding and action. Let this be your starting point to a life where balance and well-being are not just goals, but realities. Remember, embarking on this journey towards relief from stress and back pain doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. Our team at Balance Within PT is here to offer support and expertise every step of the way. We recognize the profound impact that back pain can have on your everyday life and are committed to providing a nurturing and expert-guided path to improvement. For those exploring options for managing back pain, we’re pleased to offer a complimentary advice report filled with essential tips and actionable advice specifically designed for individuals navigating the challenges of back pain. To further support your journey to wellness, we invite you to schedule a cost-free telephone consultation with us. This conversation is an excellent opportunity for you to share the specifics of your situation and discover natural, effective solutions for managing stress and alleviating back pain without resorting to artificial means. For a more personalized approach and to truly understand how we can help transform your life for the better, consider booking a free discovery visit at our physical therapy clinic. This visit is the perfect time for us to learn more about you and discuss how we can work together to set realistic goals for easing your back pain and making sustainable improvements to enhance your overall well-being. Explore More Content To Help Stop Your Back Pain Read our blog – A Guide on How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain Read our blog – How To Heal Your Lower Back Pain When Running So You Can Enjoy Daily Runs Follow us on your favorite social media channels – Facebook & Instagram [...] Read more...
A Guide on How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain
A Guide on How To Sleep With Lower Back PainDrs. Jereme and Sarah TrunkJanuary 29, 2024Are you among the countless individuals who wrestle with relentless lower back pain, turning each night into a battle against discomfort? If so, you’re not alone in this struggle. The frustration of tossing and turning, sleepless nights filled with pain, and the persistent search for a quick fix can take a toll on your overall well-being. But there’s good news on the horizon. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of lower back pain, exploring its effects on your sleep and offering a guiding light toward a more peaceful and pain-free night’s rest. How Does Lower Back Pain Affect Your Sleep? Lower back pain can cast a long shadow over your peaceful slumber. It’s like an unwelcome guest that disrupts your sleep patterns and leaves you feeling fatigued and irritable. Here’s how it can impact you: 1. Sleepless Nights: Persistent lower back pain can lead to restless nights, making it challenging to find a comfortable sleeping position. The tossing and turning can result in fragmented sleep, leaving you groggy and drained the next day. 2. Anxiety and Worry: As lower back pain continues to disrupt your sleep, anxiety and worry often creep in. Thoughts about the pain worsening or concern over how it affects your daily life can create a cycle of sleeplessness and stress. 3. Limited Mobility: Pain can restrict your movements even while asleep. You may find it challenging to shift positions, leading to muscle stiffness and discomfort. 4. Fatigue and Irritability: The cumulative effects of poor sleep can leave you feeling exhausted, irritable, and less able to tackle your daily tasks. 5. Frustration and Desperation: The relentless quest for relief can lead to frustration and desperation. You might have tried numerous remedies, but finding a solution seems elusive. But fret not; there’s a path to better sleep and improved well-being. How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain 1. Pillow Support: Invest in a supportive pillow that aligns your spine while you sleep. Depending on your preferred sleep position, choose a pillow that provides adequate neck and lower back support. 2. Mattress Matters: A mattress with the right firmness can work wonders for lower back pain. Test different options to find the one that offers the best balance between comfort and support. 3. Sleep Position: Experiment with different sleep positions to find the one that suits you best. For lower back pain, sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees can alleviate pressure on the spine. 4. Gentle Stretches: Incorporate gentle stretching exercises into your bedtime routine. Stretching the lower back, hips, and hamstrings can help relieve tension and reduce pain. 5. Seek Professional Guidance: Consult a physical therapist like us at Balance Within PT. We can provide tailored exercises and techniques to alleviate lower back pain and improve your sleep quality. By incorporating these tips into your nightly routine, you can transform sleepless nights into peaceful ones and wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized. Don’t let lower back pain control your sleep; take charge of your well-being and enjoy the rest you deserve. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. We’re here to support you every step of the way. We understand that back pain can significantly impact your quality of life. If you’re seeking expert guidance in a supportive environment, we’re here to assist you at every stage of your journey. For more information on our back pain treatments, we offer a complimentary advice report. Inside, you’ll discover valuable tips and practical advice tailored to individuals dealing with back pain. To enhance your well-being and take positive steps forward, you can schedule a no-cost telephone consultation with us. During this conversation, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your specific situation in detail and explore natural solutions that don’t rely on artificial interventions. If you’re ready to embark on the path towards becoming a better version of yourself, consider visiting our physical therapy clinic for a free discovery visit. This initial meeting will allow us to get to know you better and engage in a one-on-one conversation to identify common goals for healing your back pain and achieving sustainable progress in improving your life. Explore More Content To Help Stop Your Arthritis Back Pain Read our blog – How To Heal Your Lower Back Pain When Running So You Can Enjoy Daily Runs Read our blog – Stretches For Lower Back Pain That Will Relieve Your Pain Even If You’ve Suffered For Years Follow us on your favorite social media channels – Facebook & Instagram [...] Read more...
Three Ways to Repair Your Back Problems Naturally and Upgrade Your Lifestyle at The Same Time
Three Ways to Repair Your Back Problems Naturally and Upgrade Your Lifestyle at The Same TimeDrs. Jereme and Sarah TrunkDecember 29, 2023Do you suffer from relentless back pain that is constantly a problem for you on a day-to-day basis? Many people do try to find a quick fix for this issue, but it doesn’t seem to work out. If this sounds like you then have come to the right place. Throughout this blog I will tell you how to find solutions to this common predicament that a range of people can find themselves in. It important to have a comprehensive understanding that aspects of your life need to be changed to do this. If you’re pondering on what these solutions consist of, then please read on and be prepared to transform your life. The key factors that pertain in having a balanced diet is the consumption of the necessary foods and drinks, having the right posture, and implementing certain exercises in your life which can all contribute to fixing your back problems. Healthy Habits in Your Diet Having healthy eating habits paves the way in having your back in good physical condition. This aspect is reducing your intake of sugary and processed foods that you regularly have. Instead, choose wisely and stick with an anti-inflammatory diet that can greatly help in the reduction of pain that you deal with. This includes foods such as celery, collard greens and kale which are classed as your green vegetables. Also, fruits for example berries, pineapple and watermelon should be consumed and can help in giving you relief from your back pain. Having deeply coloured fruit and vegetables consists of antioxidants and sulforaphane which are useful for controlling your back pain, and ultimately leading to a healthy palate as well. You should ensure that the fruit and vegetables you do consume are fresh for them to retain all those nutrients that are good for your body, and therefore helping you in the long term. The drinks I would highly recommend opting for are herbal green tea and turmeric milk. You should have these drinks homemade which is a good option which can help combat body inflammation. These foods and drinks are a natural remedy and do the job well when it comes to having a healthy nourished diet in turn reducing the back pain that you may have. Practicing Good Posture This goes without saying, but practicing a good posture is vital to preventing back pain. This is essential for people who work long hours at a desk or remain within the four walls of an office through their day. Make sure that you do incorporate daily stretches within your lunch breaks or spare time during your workday. This pertains going for a walk (preferably outdoors) which can relive the pressure from your back muscles as well as limiting any tension in your joints, along with getting that well needed fresh air! These daily stretches minimize the risk of further injury for people with jobs of a certain calibre like people who carry a heavy load or having to be on your feet all day without having the liberty to sit down. Be mindful of the way of your posture during your daily walks ensuring that you stand up tall and straight, keep your shoulder back have your stomach pulled in, and have your weight mainly on the balls of your feet. This should be prominent in your daily routine as people are generally at work every day so putting good posture into practice should be done steadily, without fault. Once it is ingrained in your routine, it will become second nature to you, and it provides a sense of fulfilment. Plus, there will be a known difference that it has on an individual as it enriches your sense of activeness and allows you to adapt to a healthier way of life. Effective Exercises to Undertake Having the right exercises integrated in your daily routine is a huge part in tackling your back pain. These include the reverse Russian twist, hip drop stretch, cobra pose, prayer pose, and spinal rocks. These exercises may seem daunting to you, but they are a lot easier than they sound! It is imperative that you are consistent with these exercises as this is the way that you can make the mandatory progress to fixing stubborn back problem even if you are a long sufferer. This are simple yet very productive process which aids in supporting your back muscles, and guarantees you becoming rejuvenated and better than ever, to continue your days with ease and on the road to recovery and success. Completing these exercises can give you that youthful feeling and can allow you do things that you may not have been able to before suffering with back pain. Having that ability to play sports again comfortably and not have to worry about further injuring your back is undoubtedly remarkable and essentially a lifesaving part of a person’s life. To conclude with, following these necessary steps will help you to achieve the results that you desire when it comes to finding out the sought-out health restoration for back pain. Although the information included in this blog is the starting term for long term relief, there is no better solution than reaching out for professional help. We acknowledge that back pain can make your life drastically worse, so if you want the help from our leading experts in the right environment, we are here for you every step of the way. For further information on the back pain treatments, we can offer you access to our free advice report. There you can find some beneficial tips and hands on advice for back pain sufferers. To maximise your health and take you to the next level you can book a free telephone consultation. We provide the opportunity for you to speak about your situation in depth, and the ways in which you can recover naturally without having to use the artificial resolutions. If you decide you are ready for the journey of becoming a better version of yourself, you can then come and visit us at our Lake Country physical therapy clinic for a free discovery visit. This will give us the chance to meet you and have a one-to-one discussion where we can find the common ground on reaching the goal of healing your back pain and making sustainable progress to improve your life. More Free Advice On Back Pain  If you want to stay up to date with the latest information on back pain, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get more free advice and see what’s been happening lately at our clinic. You can also watch our YouTube videos where we show you how to stretch correctly. Find out 3 Natural Remedies For Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain from our expert article. Learn about 4 Ways How To Get Rid Of Sciatica Pain Permanently And Reclaim Your Active Life. [...] Read more...
3 Natural Remedies For Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain
3 Natural Remedies For Immediate Relief For Sciatica PainDrs. Jereme and Sarah TrunkNovember 21, 2023Are you tired of the persistent, throbbing pain that comes with sciatica? We appreciate how debilitating it is when you can’t even move and you’re in constant pain. Nobody deserves to live a life like this, and we are here to help you recover fast and naturally. If you’re among the many individuals seeking immediate relief for sciatica pain, you’re in the right place. Read this blog to find three natural remedies that you can try right at home to find immediate relief for sciatica pain. Natural Remedies For Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain  If you’re suffering from excruciating sciatica, then we know how upset you are. Sciatica is a real burden and can stop you from doing all the things you love. Maybe you’re trying to spend some quality time with your family, go to your kids’ soccer games, or just go for a simple walk, but the pain is holding you back. The good news is that there are things you can do to recover from it and return to doing all the things you love. Here are a few tips you can try. Heat and Cold Therapy One of the most effective and readily available methods for immediate relief of sciatica pain is heat and cold therapy. Here’s how you can use it at home: Cold Compress: Apply an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth to the painful area for 20 minutes to reduce inflammation. Repeat this several times a day, especially during flare-ups. Heat Therapy: After using cold therapy, apply a heating pad or warm compress to the same area for 20 minutes. The heat will help relax your muscles and ease the pain. By alternating between cold and heat therapy, you can reduce inflammation while promoting muscle relaxation and immediate relief for sciatica pain. Gentle Stretching Exercises Sciatica pain often results from the compression of the sciatic nerve. Gentle stretching exercises can help alleviate this pressure. Here are a couple of effective stretches to try at home: Knee-to-Chest Stretch: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Gently bring one knee toward your chest and hold for 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat. Piriformis Stretch: While sitting, cross one ankle over the opposite knee. Gently push down on the raised knee until you feel a stretch in your buttocks. These stretches can help relieve sciatic pain by reducing tension on the nerve. However, you should still seek professional help as those stretches can help you relieve some pain but only a specialist can find the root cause of your problem and treat it fast, so you can recover from sciatica without recurrence. Physical Therapy  If you’re suffering from sciatica and you’ve tried some home stretches, yoga, and massage therapy, and nothing worked, then now is the time to face the fact that you need physical therapy. Maybe you’ve even tried medications or injections, but that will only mask your symptoms for some time before your sciatica pain shows again. A physical therapist can assess your condition holistically and find the real problem that’s been causing you this excruciating pain. Don’t let the pain take over your life and get the help that you need. The Best Treatment For Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain  We understand that sciatica is making your life difficult, and we are here to help you end this agony. As the leading back pain experts in Lake Country, we’ve helped thousands of people recover from their injuries and return to doing all the things they love. If you want to know more about working with us and how we can help you finally get over this annoying and frustrating pain, then you can start with a few free options that we offer. For more information on natural back pain treatments, you can get a copy of our free advice report where we’ve put some great information and tips for those who suffer from back pain. Another great option is to book a free telephone consultation with our expert team to discuss your situation in more detail, so we can see how we can help you recover fast and naturally without painkillers, injections, or surgery. If you’re ready to take the next step, you can come and see us for a free discovery visit at our Lake Country physical therapy clinic where we can show you around the clinic and discuss in more detail how we can help you get better. It’s important that you choose one of those options before your pain gets worse. You deserve to be healthy and active to live the life you want. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more free tips and updates from our Lake Country physical therapy clinic. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great information from our expert team. Read our expert article to find out How To Heal Your Lower Back Pain When Running So You Can Enjoy Daily Runs. Find Stretches For Lower Back Pain That Will Relieve Your Pain Even If You’ve Suffered For Years. What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females And Common Mistakes That Make It Worse? Find out from our expert blog. [...] Read more...
How To Heal Your Lower Back Pain When Running So You Can Enjoy Daily Runs
How To Heal Your Lower Back Pain When Running So You Can Enjoy Daily RunsDrs. Jereme and Sarah TrunkOctober 25, 2023Are you one of the countless individuals who have experienced lower back pain when running or lower back pain after running? If so, you’re not alone. We understand how upsetting and worrying it is when you can’t do the things you love because of your back pain. Many runners find themselves battling the discomfort of back pain from running, and it can be incredibly frustrating. The good news is that there are some great natural treatments that can help you relieve the pain and get you back to running in no time. Read this blog to find out what you can do for your lower back pain from running. Why Am I Getting Lower Back Pain From Running? If you’re suffering from lower back pain from running then you’re probably wondering how is that even possible. We know how frustrating it is when you’re trying to stay healthy and active, but even then you end up getting back pain. Here are a few reasons why you may be experiencing lower back pain when running. Poor Running Form You may be running fast and long distances, but are you running correctly? Running with improper posture or technique can put undue stress on your lower back. Make sure you correct it and get the specialist help to find out how to run without injuring your back. Overuse Or Overtraining  We all want to be in great shape and beat our personal record, but your health is important, and you need to make sure you’re not exhausting yourself too much. Pushing yourself too hard without allowing for proper rest and recovery can lead to overuse injuries. Take appropriate rest and don’t run if you start feeling sick and in pain. Not Warming Up Before Running Failing to warm up properly before a run can strain your lower back muscles. We know sometimes you just feel like you don’t need it and running itself is a warm-up, but it isn’t. You need to warm up and cool down before and after long physical activity. Inappropriate Footwear  Wearing worn-out or ill-fitting running shoes can disrupt your gait and lead to back pain. If you want to stay healthy and active without pain, then you should invest in appropriate footwear. You might want to consider buying custom orthotics to further support your posture when running. How To Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain When Running? If you’re suffering from lower back pain when running, then we appreciate how annoyed and upset you are when you can’t do your favorite activities because of the pain. But now that we’ve identified what may be causing your back pain, it’s easy to find a solution to your lower back pain. Here are some expert tips for lower back pain from running. Improve Your Running Technique  Working with a running coach or physical therapist can help you fine-tune your running form. Proper posture and stride can significantly reduce the stress on your lower back. You should seek professional help to make sure you are doing everything correctly. Strengthen Your Core  Having a strong core is the foundation of health. Incorporate core-strengthening exercises into your fitness routine. A strong core provides stability and support to your lower back while running. Stretch Regularly  Focus on stretching your hip flexors, hamstrings, and quadriceps to maintain flexibility. This can alleviate tension in your lower back when running. It’s also great for your joints. Wear Appropriate Footwear  Invest in a quality pair of running shoes that provide proper arch support and cushioning. Consider visiting a specialty running store for expert advice. You can also get custom orthotics recommended by physical therapists.  The Best Treatment For Lower Back Pain When Running  If you’ve been suffering from lower back pain from running and you’re just desperate to get better, so you can get back to running, then you need to get professional help. As the leading back pain experts in Lake Country, we’ve helped thousands of people recover from back pain and return to doing things they love.  If you want to find out more about working with us, we offer a few free options to start with.  For more information on natural back pain treatments, you can download our free advice report where you can find some great tips for back pain sufferers.  You can also book a free telephone consultation with our expert team during which you can learn more about our treatments. If you want to see us in person, you can come to our Lake Country physical therapy clinic for a free discovery visit with our expert team. Don’t let lower back pain from running hold you back from enjoying the activities you love. With the right guidance and support, you can overcome this challenge and return to pain-free, daily runs. Contact us today to start your journey toward natural pain relief and an active, healthy lifestyle. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on natural back pain relief, then you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more tips and updates from our clinic. You can also take a look at our YouTube videos. Read our expert article to find 4 Ways How To Get Rid Of Sciatica Pain Permanently And Reclaim Your Active Life. What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females And Common Mistakes That Make It Worse – find out from our expert blog. Stretches For Lower Back Pain That Will Relieve Your Pain Even If You’ve Suffered For Years. [...] Read more...
4 Ways How To Get Rid Of Sciatica Pain Permanently And Reclaim Your Active Life
4 Ways How To Get Rid Of Sciatica Pain Permanently And Reclaim Your Active LifeDrs. Jereme and Sarah TrunkAugust 28, 2023You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂 [...] Read more...
What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females And Common Mistakes That Make It Worse
What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females And Common Mistakes That Make It WorseDrs. Jereme and Sarah TrunkAugust 21, 2023Have you been suffering from lower back pain so bad that it stops you from enjoying your days? Maybe you've tried to pick up your kids, go shopping, or even go for a walk but your back pain is so bad you can barely move? I know how frustrating it is when you're trying to go around your day and  do all the things you want to do, but your back pain stops you from doing anything. It's a common situation that happens to almost every woman at some point in their life. It's important to find out what exactly caused your lower back pain, so you can get the appropriate treatment that you need. Whether you've been suffering for a while now or your back pain started recently, you can get better if you get the right help. Read this blog to find out what causes lower back pain in females and what you can do to stop it. Causes Of Back Pain In Females While lower back pain can happen to anyone, women are more likely to get lower back pain due to certain conditions associated with their bodies. However, it doesn't mean you have to suffer from lower back pain for the rest of your life, and there are some things you can do to recover from it and prevent it from happening again in the future. Here are some of the most common causes of back pain in females. Premenstrual Syndrome  Premenstrual syndrome is a condition that many women suffer from before their periods. It has many symptoms like experiencing a headache, lower back pain, fatigue, bloating, and other symptoms. Most likely you won't be experiencing all of them. However, if you are experiencing lower back pain before your periods, it can be quite extreme and stop you from doing daily activities or even walking. While sometimes it may not be possible to fully get rid of this type of lower back pain, you can learn some stretches that will prepare you better and reduce your lower back pain prior to your monthly periods. Endometriosis Condition  Another common condition that can cause lower back pain in female is endometriosis. Endometriosis happens when the tissue that lines the uterus, known as endometrial tissue, grows outside of the uterus. When that happens, it's very common to experience painful menstrual cramps, pain during or after sex, low back pain, and pelvic pain amongst other symptoms. Again, having this condition it may be difficult to get lower back pain relief but it is possible with a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs that will involve the right pelvic muscles. Pregnancy Low Back Pain  Lower back pain in female is very common during pregnancy, and many women struggle to enjoy this time as their body is in constant pain. Luckily, there are many stretches for lower back pain during pregnancy that can help you release some of the pressure from your back and help you move your body in a way that doesn't put all the pressure on your lower back. There is Yoga, Pilates, and other exercises that are popular among pregnant women that you could try. However, physical therapy can help you prepare better for the birth as well as help you bounce back faster after the pregnancy. The Best Treatment For Lower Back Pain  While there can be different variations as to what causes lower back pain in females, there are treatments that can help you recover fast and permanently. You might have already tried some natural treatments at home and found that they didn't bring you much results. This is why you should try getting help from a specialist who can assess all the factors contributing to your back pain and find the root cause of your problem to get a customized treatment plan specific to your needs. As the leading back pain expert in Lake Country, I've helped thousands of women recover from their back pain using natural methods, and I can help you too. If you want to learn more about working with me, you can start with a few free options. For more information on back pain and specialist advice on treating back pain naturally, you can download our free advice report where we've put together a lot of useful information. You can also book a free telephone consultation to speak to our expert team where we can find out more about your condition and you can find out more about how we can help you.   Another option is to book a free discovery visit at our clinic where you can come and see us in person, see the facilities, and speak to our expert team about your problem and we can take it from there.   The most important thing is to choose one of these options now, so you can finally get the pain relief that you need and enjoy your life to the fullest. More Free Advice On Back Pain  If you would like to stay up to date with the latest back pain advice, then you can follow us on our social media and read our expert articles full of useful tips on staying active and keeping away from back problems. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more back pain advice and to see what's been happening in our clinic lately. You can also watch our YouTube videos for useful tips on staying in good shape. Read our expert article to find 4 Ways How To Get Rid Of Sciatica Pain Permanently And Reclaim Your Active Life.       [...] Read more...
Stretches For Lower Back Pain That Will Relieve Your Pain Even If You’ve Suffered For Years
Stretches For Lower Back Pain That Will Relieve Your Pain Even If You’ve Suffered For YearsDrs. Jereme and Sarah TrunkJuly 21, 2023Have you been suffering from excruciating lower back pain that's been stopping you from enjoying life? When lower back pain strikes, you're not able to do many things like picking up your kids, shopping for groceries, playing your favorite sports, or even spending time with your family the way you'd like to. If that's the case for you, then I want you to know I understand what you're going through and I know how upsetting it is when you can't do the things you love like socializing with your loved ones. However, the are things you can do to recover from your back pain and reclaim your active life. Read this blog to find the best stretches for lower back pain that will get you back to running, hiking, playing with your kids, and other activities you've been missing out on. The Best Stretches For Lower Back Pain  While you may have already tried some remedies to ease your lower back pain like ice or heat, painkillers, or massage, these things won't fix your back permanently. The best thing for your back pain is to do proper exercises and stretches that are tailored to your specific back pain and needs. It's best to seek specialist advice on how to do those stretches correctly as if you do the exercises wrong you may end up in more pain. Here are some of the lower back pain stretches that can help you ease the pain. Knee-to-Chest Stretch  This is by far one of the best stretches for lower back pain as you will feel immediate pain relief as soon as you start stretching. It's very easy to do this exercise at home as all you need to do is lay down on the floor and bring your knee to the chest, then swap the leg. Hold the knee for a few seconds whilst pressing against your chest. Repeat this movement a couple of times on each side. Make sure to use a Yoga matte as otherwise, you might feel uncomfortable. Cat-Cow Stretch For Low Back Pain Another exercise that can massively improve your pain in the lower back is a cat-cow stretch. Again, it's one of the stretches for lower back pain that's very easy to do and you don't need anything besides a Yoga matte to protect your knees from hurting. For this exercise, you need to lay down on your knees and arms making a 90 degrees angle between your waist and legs. Then, lift your head and let your pelvis fall forward making a U shape between your head and bottom. Then curve out in the opposite direction creating an outwards curve. Hold each position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the exercises a few times. Pelvic Tilt  This is one of the lower back pain stretches that can hurt you a little at first, but it will be worth it in the end. All you need to do is lay down on your training matte, bend your legs in your knees, and lift your bottom up. Move upwards and downwards. Whilst lifting upwards, hold the position for a few seconds before laying back down. Repeat this exercises for 5 to 10 minutes and you should feel some improvement in your lower back pain. The Best Natural Treatment For Lower Back Pain  While the stretches for lower back pain at home can help you ease the pain and improve your mobility a little, the chances are that you need more help than this. Sometimes you may think that you're doing the exercises right, but in most cases, people aren't and that's fine. You're not expected to be an expert on everything and that's why there are others who specialize in treating injuries. As the leading back pain expert in Lake Country, I've helped thousands of back pain sufferers recover naturally without painkillers, injections, or risky surgery. I can give you a personalized treatment plan, undivided attention, and guidance throughout your healing process so that you can get back to enjoying an active life without limitations. If you want to find out more about working with me, you can start with several free options. For more information on back pain, natural treatments, and other back-related advice, you can download my free back pain report where I've put together relevant information for you to get a grasp of what we can do for you. Another thing you can do is schedule a free telephone consultation where we can discuss your situation and specific needs, and tell you a bit more about how we can treat your pain naturally. The last option is to come and see us for a free discovery visit at our clinic where we can show you around, introduce the team, and talk more about our treatments so you can see whether we are the right fit for you. The most important thing is to take action now and reclaim your active life before the pain stops you from doing everything that you love. More Free Advice On Back Pain  If you want to stay up to date with the latest information on back, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get more free advice and see what's been happening lately at our clinic. You can also watch our YouTube videos where we show you how to stretch correctly. Find out What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females And Common Mistakes That Make It Worse from our expert article. Learn about 4 Ways How To Get Rid Of Sciatica Pain Permanently And Reclaim Your Active Life.     [...] Read more...